Dreams Becoming Reality! (Weekend in London Part 2)

So, this title.  If I wasn't descriptive in the title, you would probably be wondering why I named it like this, but yeah.  That pretty much says it all.  Being able to come to London truly was one of the more exciting experiences I have had this semester.  I feel like for most Americans, going to the United Kingdom (based on the constant intertwining between our two cultures) is pretty much a ground-in desire from birth.  I mean...101 Dalmatians (both animated AND non-animated), Sherlock Holmes, the list goes on.  We start life trying to perfect our British accent, because we find it fascinating.  And trust me, I am one of those people.  I love all of it.  And that's why this experience can't really be described accurately in words.  It really was a dream that became reality.

But, none of those things previously mentioned were the object of my affection.  So, while in London, we took advantage of the time we had there.  Remember that first day I left out in the first post...what about it?  Well, that's where the title REALLY came from.  Fun fact time.  First, three of the four people in our group are major Harry Potter fans (including myself).  Second, London is kind of where Harry Potter was created and also filmed.  Third, all of us had tickets to go to the set tour of the Harry Potter movies.


So yeah, that was the first half of our London excursion.  And might I just say, it was my favorite part of the trip and probably the ultimate highlight of my Europe experience thus far.  Tied with it is living and learning Spanish of course. ;)  But in all seriousness, this experience was crazy awesome.  Anyways, during the tour (which was self-guided by the way) I took almost 250 pictures, so it might not be feasible to put all of them up, but here's a splash of what we saw.

Group shot with the signature chess pieces (Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone).

The main entrance of the set tour.  It has the headshot of every principal character from every movie: hero and villain.

THE GREAT HALL.  Fun fact: the ceiling was done completely by CGI.

The Gryffindor Common Room.

All of the animal actors for the major animal characters: Fang, Hedwig, Mrs. Norris, and Crookshanks.

THE BURROW.  Fun fact: the moving objects, such as the frying pan cleaning itself, were made by touch pad.  You touch activate the mechanism, and it moves!  It was fun to mess with.

Butterbeer!  A classic.  Fun fact: only two places in the world have it and sell it (the set in London and Harry Potter World in Islands of Adventure in Universal Studios).

Diagon Alley!

The Hogwarts Model.  Fun fact: 40 artists worked on this model together for almost a year to perfect it, and it was the only model used to shoot the scenes of the castles in the movies.  Can you believe it?!  How cool is that.

All of my goodies from the tour: a Gryffindor coffee mug (it is my house after all: Pottermore said so!), a souvenir guidebook, postcards, signature house pins, and a brand-spankin' new wallet!

During the tour I had a digital guide (the voice of Tom Felton [aka Draco Malfoy]) that gave me even more insight and and facts into the making of this amazing series.  Along with that I was able to receive a special souvenir guidebook for the experience, remembering all of the fun facts and allowing others to read up.  :)  I bought a few things to remember the experience.  All in all, it was a great day.  But that was to be expected.

This truly made my dream reality.  Since I started reading the first book when it came out in 1998, I have grown up with Harry Potter.  The series was my escape for a lot of things in my life that were difficult growing up, and until I came to know the Lord in college it was one of the few ways I was able to cope.  and in the last couple of years, in my adult age, I have been able to re-experience that magic even though the books and movies have all been released.  Last year during spring break I had the chance to go to Harry Potter World in Universal Studios Islands of Adventure in Orlando.  This weekend I got to top it all off with a trip to the very studio the movies were created in.  Whoa.  How cool is that?!  I really couldn't have asked for anything more spectacular.  And I'm so blessed to have been able to have my life path take me there.  :)

All in all, this weekend was all kinds of things: magical, plastered with Union Jack, and once-in-a0lifetime.  But something that continues to blow me away is just how covered in grace I am.  I know that I don't live out my life perfectly, and I always have my missed steps.  But despite it all, there are still so many things to be enjoyed in this life.  And it's ok to live like a kid again.  I certainly enjoyed engaging with that inner child of mine.  ;)

But the same thing happens in our walks with the Lord.  He's sovereign, he's caring, he knows what's up, and he's relentless.  But he calls us to live in a reliance upon Him with the innocence and hope that only children possess.  That's truly one of the most beautiful feelings.  And I will leave you with a verse related to this very idea, helping me once again to remind myself that every day I walk and breathe I have the chance to receive renewed abundant grace, even when I screw everything up.  :)

I'm about to embark on my return flight back from London to Madrid.  So, until we meet again friends!  May you have a blessed day and week.  :)

"Like newborn babies, crave pure spiritual milk, so that by it you may grow up in your salvation, now that you have tasted that the Lord is good." -1 Peter 2:2-3

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